May 28-30, 2024 | Abbotsford, BC

what is pco?

An equipping and orientation event for all pastors in an MB church in Canada. PCO is a National Faith and Life Team event, supported by MB Seminary faculty and Canadian Conference staff. It is for those who are new to ministry within the Mennonite Brethren conference and for others who are seeking a refresher on Mennonite Brethren history, theology and resources.

Attendance and completion of Pastors Credentialing Orientation is a requirement for pastoral credentialing through the pastor’s respective provincial conference.

Jump to event registration


Kristal Toews

Kristal Toews is a Pastor of Discipleship at Northview Community Church. She received a Bachelor of Arts from Simon Fraser University with a Major in English Literature, and a Masters of Arts Degree (Biblical Studies Concentration) at Regent College.

Ken Esau

Ken Esau spent most of his vocational life teaching Bible and theology at Columbia Bible College but has recently moved into the role of CCMBC National Faith and Life Director. He and his wife Karen are members of The Life Centre in Abbotsford, BC.

Bruce Enns

Bruce became General Director of Multiply in May 2022. He was formerly Lead Pastor for seventeen years at Forest Grove Community Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He also served on the Multiply Board for twelve years and more recently as moderator of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. Bruce and his wife, Lisa, continue to live in Saskatoon. They have four adult daughters.

Mark Wessner

Mark is President and Associate Professor of Biblical Studies for Leadership at MB Seminary. He is passionate about equipping people to integrate biblical truths and practices into their lives and leadership in the church and marketplace. Mark has been a pastor, a land developer, has taught at public, private, and Christian universities, and has been a chaplain in hospital, prison, and university sports contexts. In his spare time, Mark loves to run and hike the trails and mountains of BC.


PCO participants are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements. Columbia Bible College has very affordable rooms available. For more information on how to reserve a room, please get in touch with Bernice Fetterly at You can also find information on Columbia’s Redekop Hall in the accompanying PDF.

There are also many local hotels nearby. (Sandman Hotel and Suites is a 15-minute walk from Columbia.)


Tuesday, May 28 (Click to expand)

8:00 am Registration at Columbia Bible College
Main Presentations:
“Why MB?”  Kristal Toews
Visit and tour of MCC BC (Abbotsford)
Visit and tour of Multiply (Abbotsford)
Main Presentations:
“Intro to the MB Confession of Faith” (Part 1). Ken Esau
“Global-Church Partnership.” Bruce Enns
Return to Columbia Bible College—c. 6:30 pm 

Wednesday, May 29(Click to expand)

8:30 am at Columbia Bible College
Main Presentations:
“Intro to the MB Confession of Faith (Part 2). Ken Esau
“MB Hermeneutical Case Study.”  TBD
Visit and tour of Central Community Church Multi-site Ministry (Harrison Gospel Chapel)
Main Presentations:
“Lessons from Multi-site Ministry” Central Pastor Team
“Servant Leadership.” Mark Wessner
Return to Columbia Bible College—c. 7:00 pm

Thursday, May 30 (Click to expand)

8:30 am at Columbia Bible College
Main Presentations:
“Sustainable Ministry” Rob Thiessen et al.
Communion & Commissioning

Departure—c. 1:00 pm.



Meals (excluding breakfast) are included in the cost of registration